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Photos - Annual - 2024 Jul-Dec
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Holiday Party 2024


 The Club's Holiday Party 2024 took place in the Hotel Woodland main lobby on December 17. President Bob Nakken presided over a crowd of approximately 60 members and guests who received a buffet turkey luncheon with wine and beer options, and pumpkin pie for dessert. Among the many guests attending today, Lori McGrath introduced her cousin AlicynDan Stroski introduced his guest Reina SaucedaAnn Taylor introduced her guest. Clyde Brooker introduced his wife KrimSteve Venables introduced his son Skylar. And Mark Ullrich introduced his guest and prospective new Club member Joe CadelagoDick Hoppin received a check for winning the 50/50 raffle last week. Dan Stroski introduced his cousin Rick Abbott who provided us with a musical program which included leading everyone in singing several favorite Christmas carols. President Bob declared his wife, Gaye Nakken, and Marie Galbo were the co-winners of today's holiday (ugly) sweater contest. 




December 10th Meeting 


 The Season of Giving is upon us! President Bob presented Jordi Richter of Judy's Catering with the tips collected from members for all the serving staff in appreciation for their meal service since they took over catering responsibilities at the Hotel Woodland in September. With $1,102 in the pot (largely due to a $1,000 donation from Les Engelmann) and 24 cards remaining Dick Hoppin drew the joker to win the pot!!! This was the second raffle pot won in the past month. Fortunately, we had a good crowd on hand to witness this money movement.



 Program Coordinator Wendy Casas-Raviotta introduced Andras Tradesco, father of our guest speaker today, Dora Hayes. Visiting Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Don Sharp joined us once again. Mark Ullrich introduced his guest, Joe Cadelago, local area Public Sector Contract Manager with Waste Management. And Brian Dwyer introduced Gregg Kowes for probably the last time as a guest before he becomes a Club member. 



 Clyde Brooker led Recognition today, with a varied of trivia questions to raise some money for the Club. Angela Lynn 'rang the bell' for winning the $541 raffle back on Nov 19. Angela says she donated the balance to her church in support of their efforts to donate turkeys to local families for Thanksgiving. Gary Wegener was reminded of the 2015 Club project to build a chicken coop at the Science & Technology Academy in Knights Landing which Gary led. Nick Roncoroni assured the Club the chicken coop was still there!




 Dora Hayes, Co-owner of Tradesco Tours, was our guest speaker today, giving us a program on 'Unlocking Europe: Elevate Your Experience & Save Time', and described their services. More about Tradesco Tours can be found on their website: https://www.tradescotours.com





More information available at https://www.woodlandicerink.com/about-us 





December 3rd Meeting


President Bob Nakken welcomed another good size crowd to today's meeting. Guess who came by to pick up a check for the $541 raffle winnings she won at the Nov 19 meeting. Wonder what she will do with the loot? Maybe the 'Beauty of Private Money' will be involved???



Brian Dwyer introduced his guest, and prospective new member, Gregg Kowes, Manager, Woodland Davis Termite Control. Visiting Davis Noon Rotarian and Club President Tim Ainsworth (top left) joined us today, as did Ithaca New York Rotarian and President-elect Mike Katz (top right). We also had a visit from Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Byron MacConnell. Mark Ullrich introduced his guest, Joe Cadelago (lower right), local area Public Sector Contract Manager with Waste Management.



 Today Immediate Past President Karl Diekman conducted the Club's annual election of Club officers for the year beginning July 1, 2025. The nominations announced at last week's meeting were unanimously approved (with the exception of a 'no' vote from George Berrettoni, RIP!), and they will assume these positions next year: 


(One-year terms; the President-elect will also serve as the Club President

July 1, 2026-June 30, 2027)


President-elect - NICK RONCORONI

Secretary - GARY BUNCH




(Two-year terms - July 1, 2025-June 30, 2027)



Last year Aniek Pflager was elected as President-elect for the current year and she will serve as Club President beginning July 1, 2025. Similarly, Dick Hoppin (or Derrek Kaff when he returns from a leave of absence), Gena Bravo and Ann Taylor will serve the last year of their two year terms starting July 1, 2025.



Don Huff III was in charge of today's Recognition, asking for stories about what we did on Thanksgiving, or a special memory of a former Thanksgivings. Ernie Hodges was happy his former exchange student from Germany came up for a visit with her family (they now live in Los Angeles) last Friday. Ann Taylor 'rang the bell' about her Thanksgiving, highlighted by the kids playing with her hens. Blair Voelz 'rang the bell' as he got all finished with his harvest recently, setting up a Happy Thanksgiving.




 Eugene 'Gene' Borghello, Criminal Investigator from Fairfield, was our guest speaker today, giving us a look at his work at investigating crimes, and the reasons why some people end up getting wrongly convicted or are incarcerated for a long time before they are released. Thanks to Program Coordinator Wendy Casas-Raviotta for arranging for and introducing Gene today. 




November 26th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken greeted a good size crowd to our meeting today, and wished everyone a Happy ThanksgivingWoodland Sunrise Rotarians Byron MacConnell and Don Sharp were back visiting us today. Rob Beggs introduced his guest, and brother-in-law, Steve Tomory, who is an automotive expert. Mark Ullrich introduced his guest, Joe Cadelago, local area Public Sector Contract Manager with Waste Management.



 Immediate Past President Karl Diekman, along with Kris Kristensen, reported the Club's Nominating Committee was placing in nomination the names of the following members for Club Officer and Director positions starting July 1, 2025:


(One-year terms; the President-elect will also serve as the Club President

July 1, 2026-June 30, 2027)


President-elect - NICK RONCORONI

Secretary - GARY BUNCH



(Two-year terms - July 1, 2025-June 30, 2027)




The nominations period will remain open until the Club's next meeting, Tuesday, December 3, when the election of Club Officers and Directors will take place. Last year Aniek Pflager was elected as President-elect for the current year and she will serve as Club President beginning July 1, 2025. Similarly, Dick Hoppin (or Derrek Kaff when he returns from a leave of absence), Gena Bravo and Ann Taylor will serve the last year of their two year terms starting July 1, 2025.



 Tabb Randolph celebrated his 67th birthday on Nov 17 (Woodland). Kevin Haarberg ‘rang the bell’ for his 70th birthday on Nov 24 (Yankton SD), and for managing to survive 3 months after his heart attack. Kevin reminded us he was delivered by Tom Brokaw’s father-in-law. He also demonstrated his new curmudgeon status by complaining about the length of the guest editorial in Sunday’s Daily Democrat written by our speaker last week (Jesse Salinas) who explained why it takes so long to count election ballots in California.



 Mark Ullrich took charge of today’s Recognition which included asking various trivia questions around Thanksgiving. Mark asked how Roger enjoyed last Sunday. Roger said he doesn’t even want to talk about the 49ers game, saying it reminded him of Don Meridith’s version of ‘Turn out the lights; the party’s over!’. Rob Beggs is happy for his granddaughter who competed in state gymnastics meet recently in San Mateo and placed 5th in overall points and 3rd in beam for her age group. President Bob said his daughter Alyssa Nakken is leaving the SF Giants organization to serve as the Assistant Director of Player Development for the Cleveland Guardians ball club. The SF Giants did not have an equivalent job available, and Cleveland sought Alyssa out for their opening. She will be based in Arizona but will retain her home here locally as well. Bob said Alyssa is happy and he is also happy for her.




 Dan Stroski was our speaker today, giving us a look at the Rotary Youth Exchange program. Dan is District 5160's Inbound Youth Exchange Coordinator and responsible for working with the five youth exchange students currently in various District 5160 areas in Northern California. Dan explained the basic elements of the exchange program and described his own experience as a host family as they hosted student Jasmina from Germany from November 2014-July 2015. If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about being a Rotary Youth Exchange host family, Dan Stroski would like to hear from you. More information about Rotary Youth Exchange is available at https://www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/youth-exchanges




November 19th Meeting


 With the pot at $541 and 15 cards remaining, Angela Lynn drew the joker and won the 50/50 raffle !!! Next week the $1,000 recently donated to the raffle by Les Engelmann will be added to the pot. Don’t forget to buy a ticket!



 Wendy Casas-Raviotta introduced her guest, Dora Hayes, who will be our guest speaker on December 10. Brian Dwyer introduced his guest, and prospective new member, Gregg Kowes, Manager, Woodland Davis Termite Control.



 Our program speaker today was Jessie Salinas, Yolo County’s Assessor, Clerk/Recorder, and Elections Official (ACE) who gave us an overview of the three major, and varied, functions of his office, as well as an update on the Election Branch's work to complete the local portion of the November 5th General Election. Thanks go to Program Coordinator Wendy Casas-Raviotta who arranged for and introduced our speaker today. For more information about Jessie Salinas’ background and work with young people please visit Jessie Salinas – Building BridgesMore information about the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections (ACE) Department is available on their website: https://ace.yolocounty.gov/ 




Community Recommendations Sought!!




Welcome Our New Member

- Linda Walsh


  Linda Walsh, sponsored by Ann Taylor, was installed as a new member of the Club on October 8, 2024 by President Bob Nakken. At our request, Linda provided the following bio. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to introduce yourself to Linda when you meet and welcome her to the Club.


My family and I have been Yolo County residents since the late 1960s. Our first home in Yolo County was located in the almond orchards of Esparto, then in Davis, and we finally settled in Woodland. We enjoy our life in Woodland, particularly seeing and taking part in changes in the city and surrounding area over the years near Main Street where we live.


I spent my younger years traveling the globe with my parents as my dad was in the Army. We were stationed in Europe, Panama, Japan and several army bases in the States. We had the good fortune to see and learn about other cultures, history, art and language. In 1988 I received a Bachelor of Sciences degree, and in 1990 a Master of Public Administration degree. Both were from the College of Professional Studies at the University of San Francisco.


I was employed in the 80s by health insurance providers, health data processors in the vastly changing scene of pricing, health service delivery, health insurance, and mergers of health plans in Northern California. I served as health services Contracts Manager on a consulting basis for Sutter Health, whose offices were in Rancho Cordova at the time.  I worked for Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC). CSC was under contract with the California Department of Health Services (DHS) to manage the billing, customer and provider services, printing and distribution of policies and procedures according to the Medicaid contract.


Initially, as Manager of Provider Relations, I managed a very large group of employees who communicated with Medicaid health care providers to resolve problems and explain policies. Later I managed the printing and distribution department which produced and shipped many printed policies and procedures documents. This was a delightful assignment where I learned about printing presses and, more importantly, the interesting people who staffed that department.


Later in my employment as Proposal Developer, I was responsible for writing the Human Resources, Member and Provider Relations portions of Requests for Proposals (RFPs) with the goal of winning both the Medical and Dental RFPs from the CA Department of Health Services. These opportunities required analysis of complex rules and procedures in the RFPs, late hours, and weekend work during initial proposal development. Just before the proposal submission, we worked all night and went home at 7am.


All of my positions gave me the opportunity to interact and negotiate with healthcare professionals, DHS staff, and customers throughout Northern California. My interests have always been on the human side of studies and motivational learning.


Since 2008 I have been a self-employed artist. I paint portraits of people, animals, landscapes and still Life in oil. I show my work and accept commissions.





November 12th Meeting




 President Bob Nakken welcomed Leticia Ordaz, KCRA TV anchor/reporter, as well as author and publisher of biligual children's books, and passionate literacy advocate as our program speaker today. President Bob indicated the Club's Board of Directors have approved a purchase of biligual children's books from Ordaz's publishing house, Cielito Lindo Books, for distribution to kindergarten and first grade students at Gibson School. Brian Dwyer introduced his guest Gregg Kowes, Manager of Woodland Davis Pest Control; Mark Ullrich introduced his guest Joe Cadelago, Public Sector Contract Manager with Waste Management; and Dan Stroski introduced guest Enrique Baeza, a former colleague of Dan’s and the husband of Leticia Ordaz. Visiting Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Wayne Ginsburg, Byron MacConnell (not pictured) and Don Sharp also joined us today. 



 Lori Ross and husband Art celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary on October 11 (Lake Tahoe). Since she has been away for an extended period, she told President Bob ‘It felt good to be missed’ by the Club. Mark Ullrich ‘rang the bell’ for his 75th birthday celebration on November 10th (Woodland), and was also happy his SF 49ers managed to snatch a last second victory Sunday. 


 President Bob did double duty by handling today's Recognition, asking numerous trivia questions about Veterans Day and related military subjects. Shawn Seyk was thankful last Thursday as he received a $35,000 check from the Woodland Sunrise Rotary Club for the Woodland Soccer Club’s efforts to build additional soccer fields. Don Huff III returned from Kona, Hawaii yesterday after doing some work on his condo, and playing golf with Tabb Randolph and Tom Schwarzgruber. Later this week Don heads for Montana. With the pot at $510 and 16 cards left, Nick Roncoroni found a free lunch. Jim Nolan was happy that, with help of Don Sharp, the old “Alge House’ office of Gardner, Janes, Nakken, Hugo & Nolan on First Street, has been sold to Hector Lopez.



 Lori Ross introduced our guest speaker today, Leticia Ordaz, who is an Emmy award winning television news anchor and reporter at KCRA TV, but is also an experienced publisher, award winning bilingual children’s book author, and passionate literacy advocate. Leticia is the founder of the bilingual publishing house Cielito Lindo Books (https://cielitolindobooks.com/and a ten-time award-winning author at the International Latino Book Awards, the largest Latino Book Awards in the world. She gave us a program on ‘Children’s Literacy’ and talked about her work. She is married and the mother of two young boys.




November 5th Meeting

- Election Day

 President Bob Nakken precided over our Election Day meeting today. President Bob told us we are still looking for a date to hold our 2025 Dinner Auction. The date announced last week was the night before Easter which doesn't work for many people. We were happy to have Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Byron MacConnell back visiting again. 


 Mark Ullrich introduced his guest, wife AudreChristian Sherrill introduced his guest and friend Shiro DavisBrian Dwyer introduced his guest and possible new Club member Gregg Kowes, Manager of Woodland Davis Pest Control.



 Christian Sherrill took the lead on today’s Recognition. Ernie Hodges (no photo) ‘rang the bell’ because there will be no more political ads he has to endure for a while. He’s also happy for his Washington Redskins (or Commanders) who have a 7-2 record in the NFL this season. Mark Ullrich was also happy since his SF 49ers didn’t lose this week (they had a bye week). George Burger ‘rang the bell’ because he was a Southern California boy who had rooted for the LA Dodgers and was happy they ‘did well’, winning the World Series last week. President Bob attended the funeral of his wife Gaye’s older brother, a retired veteran, last week. The occasion inspires Bob to encourage us all to remember our veterans. Oh, and Bob still thinks the Dodgers stink!


Christian then talked about how friends are important to everyone’s well-being. He thinks his friend Shiro Davis, who is an artist and dancer, is especially inspiring. Christian decided this week’s Recognition would be dedicated to the friends we have in the Rotary. Using a ‘Jeopardy’ format, Christian provided hints about a particular Club member and asked various victims to guess who the Rotarian might be. Christian outlined an elaborate fine system for right and wrong guesses.


 Listening to the hints, Dick Hoppin correctly guessed Chuck MalteseShawn Seyk, Tom Schwarzgruber, Tabb Randolph, Steve Venables, Yvette Roy and Chuck Moore would all go on to eventually guess the other Rotarians. Check out the full list in today's Splinter. Not sure how much money came in, but great job Christian!!



Our guest speaker today was Steve Harris, former owner of Cross Courts and current Woodland Planning Commission member who is a liaison for local automobile dealers Woodland Motors and Ford. Steve is also this year’s Marshall for the Holiday Parade. Steve gave us a program on a 500-mile, seven-day jet ski trip he took between Juneau and Ketchikan Alaska in August 2023. Steve was invited to join 9 other friends and associates to go on the trip. They flew to Juneau where they were outfitted with jet skis and dry suits, which they wore every day, the whole day, for all seven days of the journey. Booties, gloves, masks, fuel, meals and a wet bag for basic personal clothing were also provided. Two guides from Dangerous Water Adventures (https://dangerouswateradventures.com/) came along to give them the necessary instructions to keep them safe on a very physically demanding journey. Thanks to Mark Ullrich for arranging for and introducing our speaker today.




WHS Interact Helps

Trick or Treat on Main Street



 Jayne Williams reports members of the Woodland High School Interact Club, which our Club sponsors, were on hand last Saturday to help as thousands of costumed tricksters filled Main Street sidewalks to get some treats. 



October 29th Meeting


 President-elect Aniek Pflager substituted for President Bob Nakken today and welcomed a good sized crowd. She went on to report the Woodland Rotary Endowment Board has supplemented the Club's $700 contribution to District 5160's Wheelchair Foundation Project, made during District Governor Dan Geraldi's visit last week (Thank You Marie GalboLori McGrath and Karl Diekman!), with an additional $2,000 from our Community Fund. 


 For the second week in a row, Karl Diekman introduced his guest Kamolrat “Lek” Walsh. Steve Venables introduced his guest and dentist, Dr. Ritesh Diwan, DMD, who took over Nelson Johansen's local practice earlier this year. We were delighted to see Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Don Sharp visit us again. 


 Nick Roncoroni 'rang the bell' for his 48th birthday (Woodland) on October 26. Karl Diekman encouraged members to consider Rotary District 5160's trip to Monterrey, Mexico from March 5-9, 2025 to make its first distribution from the Wheelchair Project, an announcement about which was emailed to every District Rotarian on October 27. More about the trip and can also be found here: District 5160 Wheelchair Distribution Project trip to Monterrey Mexico March '25With the pot at $440 and 18 cards remaining, Les Engelmann pledged to donate another $1,000 to add to the pot, but he still found a free lunch today. Tim Pettit celebrated his 80th birthday (Auburn) on October 6, and went on to be happy for all the 'Guinness and Jameson' he enjoyed on the three week tour he and wife Nadine took to Ireland recently. 



 Jim Nolan took the Recognition helm today with questions about Halloween - its this Thursday!! Ann Taylor was happy her son took her to dine at 'Miller and Lux' (https://millerandluxrestaurant.com/) in San Francisco recently where she talked with the restaurant's owner about the ties her family has with the establishment's name. Dick Hoppin (joined by Tim Pettit) enjoyed a Surf & Turf dinner at Matchbook Winery recently, courtesy of Mark & Audre Ullrich and Tony & Margie Delevati who had donated the evening at the Club's 2024 Dinner Auction. Dave Molinaro had a great trip to Italy recently. Lori McGrath attended a meeting of the Rotary Club of Los Altos last week where she met John Bogart who was born and raised in Woodland, attending Woodland High School, and his father had been in Woodland Rotary as well. 



Katie Curran, Community Relations Manager for Dignity Health, was our guest speaker today giving us a program on 'Investing in our Local Community', describing the many ways Dignity Health assists the Yolo County community. Thanks to Gena Bravo for arranging for and introducing today's speaker. 






 October 22nd Meeting -

District Govenor's Visit


 President Bob Nakken welcomes District Governor Dan Geraldi, District 5160 (center), and Assistant District Governor Keith Rode (Woodland Sunrise Rotary) to our meeting today. District Governor Dan met with our Club Board of Directors prior to the Club's meeting today.



Karl Diekman introduced his guest Kamolrat “Lek” WalshMike Chandler got an early warning for his 28th wedding anniversary with wife Randi, his best friend, on Oct 26 (in their backyard). With the pot at more than $400 and 19 cards remaining, Blair Voelz found a free lunch. Don Huff III will be celebrating his 72nd birthday on Oct 23 (Woodland). 




Blair Voelz was the leader of today's Recognition. Don Huff III (and Gary Bunch) enjoyed a recent duck hunting trip to Canada. Gary Wegener was happy he got rid of 5 chickens at his house so he can sleep now! Eric Sharp spent the whole weekend going to his grandchildren's sport events or attending a sporting event with them. Karl Diekman made a donation to the District 5160's Wheelchair Project. 



 Club Polio Plus Warrior Mark Ullrich recognized World Polio Day on October 24th with a report on Rotary's continuing efforts to eradicate polio around the world. Rotary is very close to achieving its goal, but more effort is needed. Mark also invited Club members who have joined the Polio Plus Society (pledging to make a $100 donation, or more, to Polio Plus annually) to come up and receive the thanks of District Governor Dan Geraldi and the Club. Those present include (from the left) Tom Schwarzgruber, Lisa Dunham, David Pinto, Nick Roncoroni, Dan Stroski, District Governor Geraldi, Jim Nolan, Mark Ullrich, President Bob Nakken, Karl Diekman, Marie Galbo, Eric Zane, Mike Chandler & Tabb Randolph.




 District 5160 Governor Dan Geraldi is currently visiting each of District 5160's 68 clubs and he paid us his official visit today. DG Dan gave us a broad look at what Rotary is doing, including a review of RI President Stephanie Urchick's Goals and Priorities, future District leadership, a report on our Club's contributions to the Rotary Foundation, and important events on the District's calendar. DG Dan also recognized Jayne Williams and Blair Voelz for their work on behalf of Interact and the Club's Grants and Services Committee. DG Dan then described the District's Wheelchair Foundation Project and his personal goal for all District clubs to work together to raise the necessary funds to purchase 10 containers of wheelchairs that District Rotarians will then provide to countries in need as part of an international service project. So far, funding for 3 containers of wheelchairs has been raised. In an auction held near the end of his presentation Marie Galbo won a gift basket with a bid of $500 which will go to the Project. Additional donations came from from Lori McGrath and Karl Diekman. The Club is also expecting to supplement these funds with another donation later this week. More about District 5160 can be found on its website at https://rotary5160.org




October 15th Meeting


President Bob Nakken told us today the Club will conduct its own Christmas Party this year at our normal lunch meeting on Tuesday, Dec 17. President Bob also gave himself an early warning for his 46th wedding anniversary with wife Gaye on Oct 21 (Pacific Grove). Stalwarts Dan Stroski and Steve Venables led us in Rotary Grace to get our meeting today started.



 Ernie Hodges introduced his friend and visiting Rotarian Rosemary Yoshikawa (Luna Vista). Our regular visiting Rotarian Don Sharp (Woodland Sunrise) was also onhand with good news that his partner Byron MacConnell was continuing to mend from his recent stroke. Tom Schwarzgruber celebrated his 74th birthday on Oct 11 (Woodland). Clyde Brooker fessed up to another birthday on Sep 29 (Southern California) while he and wife Krim were traveling in Scotland. Mark Ullrich got an early warning on his 18th wedding anniversary (Woodland) with wife Audre on Oct 21 (Woodland). As usual Mark was also happy about the SF 49ers latest win. 


 Ernie Hodges introduced his friend and visiting Rotarian Rosemary Yoshikawa (Luna Vista). Our regular visiting Rotarian Don Sharp (Woodland Sunrise) was also onhand with good news that his partner Byron MacConnell was continuing to mend from his recent stroke. Tom Schwarzgruber celebrated his 74th birthday on Oct 11 (Woodland). Clyde Brooker fessed up to another birthday on Sep 29 (Southern California) while he and wife Krim were traveling in Scotland. Mark Ullrich got an early warning on his 18th wedding anniversary (Woodland) with wife Audre on Oct 21 (Woodland). As usual Mark was also happy about the SF 49ers latest win. 



 Mayra Vega, City Council Member, District 5, City of Woodland, was our guest speaker today giving us her thoughts on the 'State of Hispanics in the Region'. Thank you to Program Coordinator Wendy Casas-Raviotta for arranging for and introducing our speaker today.



October 8th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken led our meeting again today. One of his key actions today was to welcome Linda Walsh, sponsored by Ann Taylor, as a new member of our Club.  



 It was nice to see Kevin Haarberg back in attendance after a medical leave absence. Jayne Williams extended an invitation to attend All Leaders Must Serve (ALMS) Annual Dinner on Nov 7 at the ALMS Clubhouse, 519 Second Street. 



 Chuck Maltese took charge of today's Recognition and quickly fined Mark Ullrich for overstating the SF 49ers capabilities this season. Shawn Seyk enjoyed last Saturday's Salmon BBQ by the Sunrise Rotary Club which has pledged to support the Woodland Soccer Club with $35,000 this year. Preston Schaub celebrated his 37th birthday on Sep 25 (New Jersey). Kris Kristensen 'rang the bell' after enjoying a recent historical 'D-Day to the Rhine' tour of World War II sites including London, the D-Day beaches in Normandy, Bastogne and others. Eric Sharp had a great fishing trip along the Snake River in Idaho.  



Doni DeBolt, Executive Director, Yolo County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), was our guest speaker today giving us a program on Yolo CASA's services to local foster youth through the use of trained volunteers. Thanks to Program Coordinator Wendy Casas-Raviotta for arranging for and introducing today's program. More about Yolo CASA can be found on their website: www.yolocasa.org 




October 1st Meeting


 Having returned home from some travel, President Bob Nakken once again presided over the day's meeting. Steve Venables was solo in leading us in today's Rotary Grace. 


  Aniek Pflager happily reported last Tuesday's Senior BBQ was a success, with over 300 local seniors being served. She thanked everyone for participating, and gave a shout out to Cracchiolo's Market for their amazing help with food delivery and pick-up, providing dishes and much more. Ann Taylor celebrated her 91st birthday TODAY (San Francisco) and was serenaded with 'Happy Birthday' by the group. Lori McGrath recently traveled to Oregon and visited a meeting of the Greater Bend (OR) Rotary Club, bringing back a flag from them. Carl Rodegerdts celebrated his 88th birthday (Woodland) on Sep 22. 


 After many tests and a big appointment with his wife Kay's doctors, Ernie Hodges was happy to say they discovered her dementia was not as bad as originally thought. Marie Galbo 'rang the bell' with the news that her grandson Kai was born on Sep 24. Yvette Roy made her debut as the leader of Recognition today, entertaining us with 'Name that Rotarian'. Visiting Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Don Sharp was happy to report his partner Byron MacConnell was at home and recovering after being taken to the hospital with a stroke and receiving great care there.



 Serena Durand, Manager, Job Development, Best Buddies, was our guest speaker today providing us with a look at the work Best Buddies does to help people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. More about Best Buddies can be found on their website: https://www.bestbuddies.org/california/




Senior BBQ 2024 - A Great Success!!



 The Club's Senior BBQ for 2024 was held on Tuesday, September 24 at the Rotary Park picnic area of the Yolo Fairgrounds. Once again Aniek Pflager did a great job of organizing the effort. Club members were out dipping, grilling and serving over 300 guests who attended. 


The Club especially thanks Cracchiolo's Market and Catering, who partnered with us once again to help prepare the meal. Their dedication and support over the years have been instrumental in making this event successful. We truly appreciate their involvement in serving our community's seniors. 




September 17th Meeting 


 President-elect Aniek Pflager served as 'Guest President' today in place of President Bob Nakken who is traveling. She reminded us the Senior BBQ is set for next Tuesday, September 24 at Rotary Park. If you haven't yet signed up for a specific job at the BBQ, you can simply show up at the job of your choice. Rotary Gracers Dan Stroski and Steve Venables did their usual stellar job in leading the group today. 


 Lots of visitors today. Our guest speaker today, Lucia Oliverio Greenwood, had her husband Bill Greenwood along. Rob Beggs introduced his guest and wife Terry. Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Byron MacConnell was surprisingly alone in visiting us today. Marie Galbo introduced her guest and prospective new member Linda Walsh. And Derrek Kaff introduced Ryan Kinnan, incoming new Police Chief for the City of Woodland.



 Gary Wegener reported the final financial figures from the 2024 Rotary Beer Booth at the Fair are now available. Net profits from Booth total $49,943 (up from $35,000 in 2023 and up from $27,000 in 2022) which are distributed among the participating Yolo County Rotary Clubs. Our Club's portion comes to $4,741.48Gary thanked all the Club members who worked the Booth this year. Immediate Past President Karl Diekman announced the 2024 meeting of the Club's Nominations Committee (comprised the Club's past Presidents, also known as the 'Curmudgeons') is scheduled to take place 6pm Monday, October 21, in the Community Room at the Bel Air Market (Pioneer & Gibson). All past Presidents of the Club are asked to attend. The Nominations Committee develops nominations to bring to the membership for the Club's leadership posts beginning July 1, 2025. 


  After a significant time away, Lori Ross returned today and paid up for her Jul 28th birthday (Whittier CA)Lori McGrath reported she spent her birthday (Sep 15; San Francisco) with family in San Mateo. Chuck Moore celebrated his 67th birthday on Sep 6 (Woodland). 



  Lori Ross was in charge of today's Recognition, and asking if people could recognize one-hit-wonder songs from their choice of decades. Shawn Seyk enjoyed a great weekend of golf and food at Tabb & Nancy Rondolph's Lahonton get away place in Truckee. This was the 2024 Dinner Auction item purchased by Helene DorrisDavid Pinto enjoyed hiking and camping with family for a couple of chilly nights in the Sawtooth National Recreation area near Sun Valley ID. Since he doesn't like to shop, Dan Stroski will be on his own as wife Ginny & their daughter atake an upcoming trip to Europe. Eric Sharp (Woodland Fire Chief) thanked Derrek Kaff for his years of leadership, copoperation and service to the City, and wished Derrek well on his upcoming retirement. Derrek Kaff expressed thanks to the Club for its support of him and the Police Department. He will be taking a 6 month leave of absence and plans to return to the Club in the Spring of '25.




Chef Lucia Oliverio Greenwood, who has spoken to us in the past, was our guest speaker today giving us an extensive look at healthy eating and nutrition. Thanks to Lori Ross for arranging for and introducing this program. More about Lucia can be found at: https://greenolivecooking.com 






News From Club Polio Warrior Mark Ullrich:  


The number of wild polio cases in 2024 as of September 4, 2024 is 34. There were 16 in Pakistan and 18 in Afghanistan. 
The total number of wild polio cases in 2023 was 12. There were 6 in Pakistan and 6 in Afghanistan.  
The total number of wild polio cases in 2022 was 30. There were 2 in Afghanistan, 20 in Pakistan, and 8 in Mozambique.


The total number of wild polio cases in 2021 was 6. There was 1 in Pakistan, 1 Malawi, and 4 in Afganistan.


The total number of wild polio cases in 2020 was 140. There were 84 in Pakistan and 56 in Afganistan. 


Your donations at work:


Rotary has contributed $500,000 toward the purchase of the polio vaccine for the Gaza vaccination initiative.  This could not happen with our contribution and that of the Gates Foundation!


More information about Rotary's End Polio Now can be found at its website: https://www.endpolio.org/ 

Here you can sign up to receive the End Polio Now newsletter. 







September 10th Meeting


Past President Jim Nolan took the helm today as President Bob Nakken was traveling. 



Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Byron MacConnell and Don Sharp 'visited' again today. Ann Taylor introduced her guest and friend Linda WelshDon and Byron presented Mike Chandler with a metal wall hanging with 'Chandler' across the middle for all the times Mike has had to introduce them. 


 Marie Galbo will celebrate her 79th birthday on Sep 11 (Trenton NJ). Don Huff mentioned a Celebration of Life will be held for his father, Don Huff Jr., at 11:30am, Wednesday, September 18 at the Yolo Fliers Club; Hawaiian Attire; No Ties Allowed. Don Huff Jr's obituary can be viewed at https://www.dailydemocrat.com/obituaries/charles-donald-huff-jr-woodland-ca/



 Clyde Brooker was in charge of today's Recognition. IPP Karl Diekman spent the last several weeks traveling in England, Ireland and Iceland. Mark Ullrich was predictably ecstatic about his SF 49ers win on Monday Night Football last night and pledged $100 to the Club if they win the Super Bowl. Ernie Hodges hopes Donald Trump will stick to the issues in tonight's debate, but expects he'll go off the script instead. Tabb Randolph enjoyed a great a fishing trip to Alaska with his kids. 



 Spencer Langen, Communications & Member Services, Woodland Chamber of Commerce, was our guest speaker today, providing us with a review of the operation and services provided by the Chamber to its 400 members. Thanks to Mark Ullrich for arranging and introducing our speaker today. More about the Woodland Chamber of Commerce can be found at: https://www.woodlandchamber.org/





Senior BBQ - September 24th




The Club's Senior BBQ is coming up September 24th. There will be no Club meeting that day. All members are expected to participate if you are well and are in town that day. Please sign up for what you would like to do (kitchen set-up, chicken dipper, morning crew, griller, server, and cleanup crew.). Contact  President-elect Aniek Pflager for details. We are hoping for 300-400 guests. Invite your neighborhood seniors to attend! Event advertising is underway. View the article in the Daily Democrat: https://www.dailydemocrat.com/2024/09/07/woodland-noon-clubs-senior-picnic-luncheon-set-for-sept-24/




Meet Our New Member -

Lori McGrath


Lori McGrath, sponsored by Yvette Roy, was installed as a new member of the Club on September 3, 2024 by President Bob Nakken. At our request, Lori provided us with the following bio. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to introduce yourself to Lori when you meet and welcome her to the Club.


I am a Bay Area native who happily moved to Woodland in 2015. I have always thought that serving my community is important, both in my professional and private life. I was in law enforcement for over thirty years, first as a Correctional Officer and then as a Deputy Sheriff for the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office. In 1979 I graduated from Mount Diablo High School in Concord CA and attended City College of San Francisco. I am a member of the International Police Association.  


Since moving to Woodland after my retirement, I have been active in this wonderful community. I belong to the Yolo County Retired Peace Officers’ Association. I am a member of the Vacaville Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, where I chair the Drug Awareness Program. We participate in educational and community events to inform young people about issues related to drugs and alcohol. I was grateful to be named the Elk of the Year for 2024-2025, by the Vacaville Elks. I am an associated member of the Woodland Elks. I am also a member of the Native Daughters of the Golden West, Woodland Parlor No. 90. I have especially enjoyed being a part of their program to provide scholarship assistance to deserving young women. 


I also enjoy hiking, walking and touring and photographing lighthouses.  I learned about the great work of Rotary Clubs from my cousin, who recently became a member of the San Mateo Rotary Club. I look forward to meeting all of you and working with you for the benefit of our community.




September 3rd Meeting


 President Bob Nakken got us going on our first meeting of September. President Bob noted he would be traveling the next two weeks and Jim Nolan and President-elect Aniek Pflager will be presiding over the next two meetings. Today we had our first lunch prepared by Ludy's Catering with the assistance of Jordi Richter (left) and Judy Whisker. Ludy's has taken over catering for the Hotel Woodland. Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell visited again today, as did District Governor Nominee Woody Fridae (Winters). Steve Venables introduced Woody's guest Linda Walsh, a Woodland resident and artist. 



 President Bob Nakken and Membership Chair Yvette Roy inducted Lori McGrath as a new member of the Club today. Lori is a retired Deputy Sheriff with San Mateo County who moved to Woodland in 2015. Introduce yourself to Lori and welcome her to the Club. 



President Bob Nakken presented Tim Pettit with his 8th Paul Harris Fellowship pin in recognition of Tim's significant financial contributions to the Rotary Foundation. 



 District Governor Nominee Woody Fridae presented Darlene Thomsen, Executive Director (volunteer) of the Yolo County Fair Heritage Foundation, with a District 5160 grant check for $13,400 for the completion of the FFA/4-H livestock auction arena at the Fairgrounds, specifically for the bleachers and related infrastructure.  President Bob Nakken noted these grant funds, which were applied for by the Club, go along with $25,000 2024 Dinner Auction funds the Club will donate to the project. Chuck Moore explained the progress on the arena's completion. 



With the pot at $258, and lots of cards to choose from, Yvette Roy found a free lunch. Tim Pettit fessed up that he and wife Nadine celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary on Aug 31 (Murphys CA). Les Engelmann got an early warning on his 56th wedding anniversary with wife Gail coming up Sep 7 (Joliet IL).


 Don Huff took the reins of today's Recognition, asking for stories on our favorite Labor Day weekend experiences. Christian Sherrill was happy he attended Woodland Soccer Club's 'Labor Day of Love' fundraiser at Velocity Island Park on Sep 1. Mark &Audre Ullrich recently enjoyed a trip to Maui. Yvette Roy brought back some favorite childhood memories by attending a car race over the weekend. George Burger had a great time getting out on the first day of dove hunting season. Over the Labor Day weekend David & Rebecca Pinto flew to Arkansas, rented an RV and visited the Hot Springs National Park outside of Little Rock, part of their ongoing challenge to visit all  the national parks. And in the best story of the day, Jim Nolan explained he spent the weekend preparing for a colonoscopy (know what that means??) and avoided unnecessary journeys. On Monday Jim went to the Clinic's Surgery Center only to find out it was closed. He rechecked his instructions and realized his procedure was set for December 2nd!



  Ben Purcell, Ticket Sales Coordinator for the Yolo High Wheelers was our guest speaker today, giving us a program on the High Wheelers, a developmental league team founded in 2024 who began their first season of play in May. Team members have less than three years of professional experience and are looking to advance their careers. The team is part of the Pioneer Baseball League and plays its home games at the Dobbins Baseball Complex on the UC Davis campus. He invited us to come out and see some games this weekend. More about the Yolo High Wheelers can be found on their website: https://highwheelers.com/landing/index





August 27th Meeting


  President Bob Nakken got us started on our last meeting of August. Angela Lynn introduced her guest, husband Mike Lynn. Gena Bravo found a free lunch today. 




Dan Stroski, in charge of today's Recognition, gave us a report on the Youth Exchange Orientation session at Wild Wings over the weekend. As mentioned in the post below, five inbound Youth Exchange students who recently arrived in the United States to live with local host families and attend local high schools within Rotary Districts 5160 and 5180 during the upcoming academic year gathered with their host families at Wild Wing's 'Nest' to continue their orientation. They include Dell from Thailand (top left corner, moving clockwise); Matti from Italy; Frank from Bolivia; Luke from Germany; and Ele from Belgium. 





  Our own Angela Lynn was today's program speaker, giving us an introduction to her company - Lynn Capital Partners - and an explanation of 'Private Money Lending'. More about Angela's company can be viewed on her website: https://lynn-capital.com




Youth Exchange Orientation

at Wild Wings


 Five Rotary Youth Exchange students who recently arrived in the United States from BelgiumBoliviaItalyGermany and Thailand to live with local families and attend local high schools in Rotary Districts 5160 and 5180 for the coming academic year gathered with their host families at Wild Wings 'Nest" on August 25 & 26 to continue their orientation. District 5160 & 5180 Governors Dan Geraldi and Steve Turner were on hand to welcome the students. Rotary Clubs including Woodland Noon, Luna Vista, Redding East and Vacaville provided food for the 25 attendees over the two days. Thanks to Inbound Youth Exchange Coordinator Dan Stroski for his leadership. View more information





August 20th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken welcomed the Club to the meeting. Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell visited today, as did Luna Vista Rotarian Rosemary Yoshikawa who may be interested in joining our Club. Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Gary Wegener with his 9th Paul Harris pin in recognition of Gary's significant financial contributions to the Rotary Foundation. 


 With the 50-50 raffle pot at $899 and just two cards remaining, Dick Hoppin had an important choice to make. Dick chose the winner!!



  Mark Ullrich was in charge of today's Recognition and shared some happy time about purchasing art at this year's Fair. Jayne Williams enjoyed the Woodland Opera House's production of 'Legally Blonde'. Eric Zane enjoyed taking his oldest son to Boise ID to start as a freshman at Boise State. Reggie Powell suggested a positive rebound in the local real estate market is near. Gary Wegener reported the Fair Beer Booth was a success again this year, and expects financial figures will be available soon. 



 Dr. Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, Associate Professor of Teaching in Education, and Bilingual Coordinator-Spanish, UC Davis, was our guest speaker today, providing us with some thoughts on 'Education Policy'.




County Fair/Beer Booth Week

August 14-18








Net profits from the 2024 Booth total $49,943 (up from $35,000 in 2023 and up from $27,000 in 2022) which is being distributed among the participating Yolo County Rotary Clubs. Our Club's portion comes to $4,741.48




August 13th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken got our meeting going with the help of our twin Rotary Grace leaders Dan Stroski and Steve Venables. The lyrics of Rotary Grace are provided for those who need more leading. President Bob announced the Club Board of Directors have appointed Ann Taylor to fill the vacancy on the Board, a two year term, left by the departure of Mike Russell. Also, Dick Hoppin was appointed to fill out a one year vacancy on the Board left by Derrek Kaff's leave of absence later this year. Finally, President Bob conducted an election by members present of Tony Delevati and Kris Kristensen to fill Board of Director seats on the Woodland Rotary Endowment. The election was unanimous. 


Kris Kristensen introduced guest of the Club Lori McGrath, who is a prospective new member of the Club. Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell joined us again. Chuck Bruns introduced his daughter, Sophia Bruns, who was also the President of Woodland High School's Interact Club last year. Finally, visiting Luna Vista Rotarian Rosemary Yoshikawa joined us today and may be interested in transferring her membership to our Club. Also attending today were Paul Ludovina of Ludy's Catering and Judy Whisker of Judy's Catering who will be teaming up to take over Hotel Woodland catering services from Cracchiolos starting this September. 



 President-elect Aniek Pflager distributed signup sheets for work assignments at the Club's Senior BBQ coming up on Tuesday, September 24. There will be no Club meeting that day. All members are expected to participate if you are well and are in town that day. Please sign up for what you would like to do. FFA student Sophia Bruns told us about the FFA's work and related activities coming up during this week's County Fair. She encouraged us to come out and watch and participate in the bidding. Both Sophia and her sister Isabella have animals up for auction. Read more about their offerings at: Sophia Bruns and Isabella Bruns



 Derrek Kaff took the lead on today's Recognition, starting with recent stories of important Woodland Police courageous service incidents. Inspired by the Eagle Scout with us last week, Derrek asked for stories of Eagle Scout activities by our own members; and Reggie PowellTim Pettit & Dick Hoppin obliged. Jim Nolan, who paid for his August 4th wedding anniversary with wife Barbara, was happy about a fishing trip he recently took to Alaska (or was it Hawaii??) and provided this photo from the trip showing sunrise in Alaska's Kenai Fjords National Park. Shawn Seyk was extremely proud of his girls soccer club who competed in the California Fall Rush Cup in Morgan Hill earlier this month and went undefeated (without giving up a goal) in winning the championship against teams ranked much higher. He was particularly proud of how his team was complemented not only on their skills, but on the respect they demonstrated for other players as well. Shawn also got an early warning on his 25th wedding anniversary with wife Brenda coming up on August 21. They were married at the Ryde Hotel in the Sacramento Delta on a sweltering summer day



  Derrick Bang, Film Critic/Reviewer based in Davis, was our guest speaker today, giving us a update on what has been happening in the movie business in recent years and some stories of his work as a reviewer. Thanks to Jim Nolan for arranging for and introducing our speaker today. More about Derrick's work can be viewed at: https://derrickbang.blogspot.com/




August 6th Meeting


 With a good turnout on hand, President Bob Nakken led today's meeting with a moment of silence for the late Don Huff, Jr, who passed away last Sunday. Among our guests were Lori McGrath, who has submitted her application to become a member. Lori was introduced by Membership Chair Yvette Roy. Visiting Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell also joined us. And Jim McGibbon was delighted to introduce his daughter Dr. Margaret Anne Fernandez, a Pediatrician, who is visiting from Chantilly, Virginia along with her family. 



 Christian Sherrill introduced Eli Rogelstad who is a Boy Scout in local Troop 464 who shared a video about his Eagle Scout project to build cubbies which will be installed at the Tuli Mem Aquatics Center in Esparto. Our Club contributed $500 for materials for Eli's project.



 Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented President-elect Aniek Pflager with her 2nd Paul Harris pin and President Bob Nakken with his 4th Paul Harris pin, both in recognition of the significant financial contributions they have made to the Rotary Foundation. 



 Christian Sherrill took the lead on today's Recognition, his first time in that role. He highlighted the need to bring younger members into the Club, and asked those members attending today under age 50 to come up front. Angela Lynn, Eric Zane, Lisa Dunham, and Nick Roncoroni, all in their 40s, each told us a little about why they joined Rotary. Each of them were fine free today, as were their sponsors. Christian fined all other members $5. 


Kevin Haarberg paid for his 28th wedding anniversary with wife Lorie back on July 27th (Woodland) and for the 8 day cruise they recently enjoyed going down the Danube River in Europe to celebrate. Don Huff III donated $1,000 to the Berrettoni Scholarship in honor of his late father Don Huff Jr. With the raffle pot at $792 and only 4 cards remaining, Chuck Bruns managed to find a free lunch! Shawn Seyk did a lot of traveling lately with helping his daughter move to Phoenix AZ to start college, and later driving to Modoc County CA to attend a Dorris- Florenoy family reunion. 



 Linda Henigan, Advisor to the new St. John's Village Board of Directors, as well as the Founder of Woodland's Dinner on Main, was our guest speaker today providing us with a look at St. John's Village's initial reopening, fundraising and the current rental of its cottages and apartments. More about St. John's Village can be found at its website: https://www.stjohnsretirementvillage.org/




Rest In Peace - Don Huff, Jr.




 The Club lost its eldest member Sunday, August 4, as Don Huff, Jr. passed away at 98 years of age. Don was a Paul Harris Fellow, and served as Club President in 1980-81, as both his father (1929-30) and son (2012-13) have also done. He was an active and enjoyable Rotarian and will be missed. Our thoughts go to Don Huff III and the entire Huff family. ?




Senior BBQ 2024




July 30th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken welcomed a modest sized crowd to the last meeting of the month.Jayne Williams introduced Ronvic Cuevas, an ALMS student working towards a career in technology. Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp & Byron MacConnell visited us again today. In introducing them Mike Chandler offered each of them a membership application form. President Bob shared a letter for the Club & membership from the WCC Foster & Kinship Foundation Director Cherie Schroeder, thanking us for supporting them. 




Gary Wegener reported the Rotary Beer Booth at the Yolo County Fair will start on Wednesday, August 14thGary says the Club has filled its mandatory slots this year. See the Club schedule below. Aniek Pflager reminds us of the Club’s Senior BBQ will be held Tuesday, September 24, at Rotary Park in the Yolo Fairgrounds. There will be no regular meeting that day so every Club member will be asked to participate. Aniek is planning on 200 people attending this year. She is looking for a Club member to help her get the word out to interested seniors. Aniek will be getting assignment signup lists out soon.




 Back by popular demand, Chuck Maltese took the lead on today’s Recognition, his second week in a row. Angela Lynn was happy about traveling to the small village of Libertad, Peru a few weeks ago on a church mission to sponsor a new water well there, which she has just been informed, is now bringing that community its first fresh water after 100 years of the village’s existence. Chuck fined Tim Pettit, whose brother Hugh once worked for the Secret Service, due to the Service's recent problem in protecting people. Later, Tim also got fined for his phone ringing during the program. Derrek Kaff was happy about taking a vacation with the family to Carpinteria State Beach (near Santa Barbara) recently. They had a great time and even one of their nieces got engaged.


 David Pinto is happy he and wife Rebecca have planned a trip to visit Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas for three nights over the Labor Day weekend, part of their goal to hike in all National Parks in the United States. Don Huff III was happy an evolving Spring remodeling effort to the kitchen and bathrooms at the family’s Tahoe home was finally (almost) completed. He was also happy his father, Don Huff Jr., had to spend 3 days at a Reno hospital, but is now back on his feet. Gary Bunch, informed it was National Cheesecake Day, was happy wife Kathy has returned home after four weeks away. Gary was especially pleased he got the improvements to their kitchen ‘spotless’ for her arrival, and said it was ‘good to have her back’.




 Our guest speaker today was Sia Magadan, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, United Way California Capital Region (UWCCR)Originally from Washington DC, Sia came to California 9 years ago and joined UWCCR a year ago. She helps UWCCR leverage resources and execute collaborations with numerous partners (corporations, schools, community alliances and non-profit organizations) in Building Stronger, Healthier and More Compassionate Communities. UWCCR currently operates in five counties in the region – Amador, El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento and Yolo, and is looking to expand. Last year UWCCR celebrated its 100th year of United Way service. 


 Sia said UWCCR has three areas of service: Helping Kids Excel in SchoolsInvesting in Families and Strengthening Schools. Helping Kids Excel in Schools is a focus for UWCCR activities in Yolo County, including Woodland,  with programs like  KinderCamp, Literacy Tutoring, and the Imagination Library. As many as 50% of 3 and 4 year olds in Yolo County do not have access to pre school. KinderCamp gives local kids the opportunity to learn basics that will help them as they enroll in kindergarten. Literacy Tutoring helps students primarily in younger grade levels to improve their reading skills. If students do not have adequate reading skills by the third grade their performance in school begins to suffer significantly. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program provides free books delivered every month to registered Yolo County children until they reach age 5. More about United Way California Capital Region can be found on its website: https://www.yourlocalunitedway.org/ Thanks to Mark Ullrich, a UWCCR Board member, for arranging for and introducing our speaker today. 





July 23rd Meeting


 Scholarship Chair Shawn Seyk introduced Amhirani 'Ama' Urozco-Ruiz and her parents today. As this year's valedictorian of Pioneer High School with a 4.47GPA, Ama will receive a $6,000 scholarship from Woodland Rotary ($1500 per year over four years). Ama plans to attend UC Berkeley as a pre-law student in the Fall with hopes of becoming a prosecutor.



President Bob Nakken, along with Grants and Service Committee member Yvette Roy, presented checks today to representatives of Make It Happen in Yolo County and the Woodland Community College Foster & Kinship Education Program based on proceeds received at Woodland Rotary's 2024 Dinner Auction last April. Make It Happen (top photo), represented by Executive Director Cathi Schmidt (left) and Board Member Yvonne Emmons, received $5,000 for their work helping Yolo County youth ages 18-24 as they transition from foster care to independent living. More information about Make It Happen is available at https://www.mihyolo.org/  The WCC Foster & Kinship Education Program, represented by Program Coordinator Cherie Schroeder (left), Russetta Walker (right) and Holly, student, received $10,000, for its work helping families and children manage the challenges faced by foster, kinship and adoptive families. More information about the WCC Foster & Kinship Education Program is available at https://yolofostercare.com/ . President Bob went on say Woodland Rotary's contribution to the Yolo County Fair Heritage Foundation in support of completing the FFA/$-H livestock auction arena bleachers and other infrastructure (our main recipient), is still pending due to ongoing efforts to secure a Rotary District 5160 grant for the project. 


 View related July 28th article in Daily Democrat.




 Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Byron MacConnell and Don Sharp joined us again today. Byron announced Woodland Sunrise's raffle of a 'restored and enhanced' 1970 Chevy C10 Truck as a fundraiser for the Woodland Soccer Club's soccer fields project at the Woodland Sports Park. More information about the raffle is available here.  Gary Bunch announced to interested golfers Spero Medical is having a benefit golf tournament September 9th at Yocha DeHe Golf Club. The QR code on the card can provide more information. 



 Chuck Maltese handled today's Recognition with questions about the best and worst neighbors you've had. Eric Zane was fined for growing his back his mustache. Jim McGibbon fessed up to having his 84th birthday (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) back on June 24. With the pot at $718 and 6 cards left, Blair Voelz found himself a free lunch. Dan Stroski turned 68 years old today (San Pablo CA) and was serenaded with 'Happy Birthday'! Kris Kristensen was happy to take an Alaska Airlines flight from Sacramento to San Diego last week with his 25 year old great nephew Jens Houck serving as the Captain. 



 David Wilkinson, founder and Past President of the Woodland Tree Foundation was our guest speaker today providing us with an in-depth look at the Foundation's history, mission and projects. Thanks to Mark Ullrich for arranging for and introducing this program.More information about the Woodland Tree Foundation can be found at https://woodlandtree.org/




July 16th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken presented Barbara Sonin with her 3rd Paul Harris Fellowship pin in recognition of her significant financial contributions to the Rotary Foundation. Shawn Seyk announced the Woodland Soccer Club is holding its inaugural fundraising concert 'Labor Day of Love' Sunday, September 1st at Velocity Island Park to raise funds for the proposed youth soccer fields at the Woodland Sports Park. For ticket information click on the flyer's QR code. Our guests today included Wendy Casas-Raviotta's daughter Maya RaviottaJayne Williams introduced ALMS student Ronvic Cuevas; Visiting Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Don Sharp; and prospective new member Lori McGrath, introduced by Yvette RoyJayne Williams was in charge of today's Recognition. Our guest speaker today was Apura Behal, the 'Padilla Attorney' in the Yolo County Public Defenders Office and Co-founder of the Unity Bar of Yolo County. Introduced by Programs Chair Wendy Casas, Apura gave us a program on "Immigration".




July 9th Meeting - President Bob

Nakken Takes the Stage!


 President Bob Nakken presided over his first meeting of the 2024-25 Rotary year. This is Bob's second time in the Club's leadership role, having served as Club President in 2009-10. President Bob said he does not have significant changes in mind for Club activities this year, saying we will continue to avoid politics as we continue doing and supporting good works locally. The 2025 Dinner Auction will again be our major fundraiser. Efforts will soon be underway to find one or more worthy beneficiaries from that event. The Club also plans to hold our 2024 Senior BBQ at Rotary Park on Tuesday, September 24. Bob reported the new Club Board of Directors met for the first time last night (July 8). Bob said it appears possible Ludy's may take over the catering service lease at the Hotel Woodland when Cracciolos departs in August. This may allow us to continue meeting at the Hotel with minimal changes in service and cost. President Bob said the Board is also engaged in finding replacements for Directors Mike Russell who left the Club last month, and Derrek Kaff who plans to take a leave of absense after he retires from the City in October '24. Bob also encouraged members with ideas for the Club to talk with him. 



Steve Venables and Dan Stroski led us in Rotary Grace today. Could this be a picture of their early days???


 Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell joined us again today. Kris Kristensen introduced guest Lori McGrath, a Woodland resident and law enforcement retiree who recently approached the Club about possible membership. 


 Lots of wedding anniversaries today! Yvette Roy and husband Craig celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary on June 28 (Woodland). Ernie and Kay Hodges celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary on June 27 (Springfield VA). Eric Sharp 'rang the bell' for his 47th wedding anniversary with wife Tia on May 28th (Woodland). Eric remembers it was 98 degrees on their wedding and most of the guys ended up in the swimming pool (Tabb Randolph said he was there!). This year Eric & Tia spent their anniversary in Mexico. Dan Stroski got an early warning on his 48th wedding anniversary with wife Ginny on July 18th (Fort Walton Beach FL); sentenced to 'Life without the possibility of parole' says Dan.  Roger Kohlmeier got the early warning on his  59th wedding anniversary on July 10 (Belmont CA) with wife JudyCarl and June Rodegerdts celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary on July 1 (Woodland). Tony & Margie Delevati will celebrate their 43rd wedding anniversary on July 18 (Woodland).


 Blair Voelz took charge of Recognition today, his first time. Blair asked for happy time comments followed by a variety of questions on the weather and agriculture. Immediate Past President Karl Diekman again thanked the Club for its support in the past year, but he was especially happy to be back sitting in the 'cheap seats' again. Asked by Blair about the meaning of the term 'virga', Jim Nolan knew it referred to rain that did not actually hit the ground. President Bob was happy about a trip he and wife Gaye took to Wyoming to visit family in June. Tabb Randolph was happy about traveling to Pinehurst NC last month to attend the US Open Golf Championships, followed by a trip to Portugal. 



President Bob Nakken gave us a presentation on the 2024 Rotary International Convention which he and his wife Gaye attended in May on behalf of the Club. Karl Diekman also attended. Singapore is an island country and city-state in Southeast Asia at the southern end of the Malay Peninsula. President Bob spoke about some of the people he met there and some of the sights they saw. He also talked about new Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick (the second female in that role) and her theme for the year, 'The Magic of Rotary'.