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August 27th Meeting


  President Bob Nakken got us started on our last meeting of August. Angela Lynn introduced her guest, husband Mike Lynn. Gena Bravo found a free lunch today. 




Dan Stroski, in charge of today's Recognition, gave us a report on the Youth Exchange Orientation session at Wild Wings over the weekend. As mentioned in the post below, five inbound Youth Exchange students who recently arrived in the United States to live with local host families and attend local high schools within Rotary Districts 5160 and 5180 during the upcoming academic year gathered with their host families at Wild Wing's 'Nest' to continue their orientation. They include Dell from Thailand (top left corner, moving clockwise); Matti from Italy; Frank from Bolivia; Luke from Germany; and Ele from Belgium. 





  Our own Angela Lynn was today's program speaker, giving us an introduction to her company - Lynn Capital Partners - and an explanation of 'Private Money Lending'. More about Angela's company can be viewed on her website: https://lynn-capital.com




Youth Exchange Orientation

at Wild Wings


 Five Rotary Youth Exchange students who recently arrived in the United States from BelgiumBoliviaItalyGermany and Thailand to live with local families and attend local high schools in Rotary Districts 5160 and 5180 for the coming academic year gathered with their host families at Wild Wings 'Nest" on August 25 & 26 to continue their orientation. District 5160 & 5180 Governors Dan Geraldi and Steve Turner were on hand to welcome the students. Rotary Clubs including Woodland Noon, Luna Vista, Redding East and Vacaville provided food for the 25 attendees over the two days. Thanks to Inbound Youth Exchange Coordinator Dan Stroski for his leadership. View more information





August 20th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken welcomed the Club to the meeting. Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell visited today, as did Luna Vista Rotarian Rosemary Yoshikawa who may be interested in joining our Club. Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented Gary Wegener with his 9th Paul Harris pin in recognition of Gary's significant financial contributions to the Rotary Foundation. 


 With the 50-50 raffle pot at $899 and just two cards remaining, Dick Hoppin had an important choice to make. Dick chose the winner!!



  Mark Ullrich was in charge of today's Recognition and shared some happy time about purchasing art at this year's Fair. Jayne Williams enjoyed the Woodland Opera House's production of 'Legally Blonde'. Eric Zane enjoyed taking his oldest son to Boise ID to start as a freshman at Boise State. Reggie Powell suggested a positive rebound in the local real estate market is near. Gary Wegener reported the Fair Beer Booth was a success again this year, and expects financial figures will be available soon. ?



 Dr. Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, Associate Professor of Teaching in Education, and Bilingual Coordinator-Spanish, UC Davis, was our guest speaker today, providing us with some thoughts on 'Education Policy'.




County Fair/Beer Booth Week

August 14-18












Beer Trailer Manager




Beer Pourer/Server




Beer Pourer/Server








Ticket Booth




Beer Pourer/Server








Beer Trailer Manager




Beer Pourer/Server




Beer Pourer/Server




Lead Wine Bar




Beer Pourer/Server




Beer Pourer/Server








Beer Trailer Manager





August 13th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken got our meeting going with the help of our twin Rotary Grace leaders Dan Stroski and Steve Venables. The lyrics of Rotary Grace are provided for those who need more leading. President Bob announced the Club Board of Directors have appointed Ann Taylor to fill the vacancy on the Board, a two year term, left by the departure of Mike Russell. Also, Dick Hoppin was appointed to fill out a one year vacancy on the Board left by Derrek Kaff's leave of absence later this year. Finally, President Bob conducted an election by members present of Tony Delevati and Kris Kristensen to fill Board of Director seats on the Woodland Rotary Endowment. The election was unanimous. 


Kris Kristensen introduced guest of the Club Lori McGrath, who is a prospective new member of the Club. Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell joined us again. Chuck Bruns introduced his daughter, Sophia Bruns, who was also the President of Woodland High School's Interact Club last year. Finally, visiting Luna Vista Rotarian Rosemary Yoshikawa joined us today and may be interested in transferring her membership to our Club. Also attending today were Paul Ludovina of Ludy's Catering and Judy Whisker of Judy's Catering who will be teaming up to take over Hotel Woodland catering services from Cracchiolos starting this September. 



 President-elect Aniek Pflager distributed signup sheets for work assignments at the Club's Senior BBQ coming up on Tuesday, September 24. There will be no Club meeting that day. All members are expected to participate if you are well and are in town that day. Please sign up for what you would like to do. FFA student Sophia Bruns told us about the FFA's work and related activities coming up during this week's County Fair. She encouraged us to come out and watch and participate in the bidding. Both Sophia and her sister Isabella have animals up for auction. Read more about their offerings at: Sophia Bruns and Isabella Bruns



 Derrek Kaff took the lead on today's Recognition, starting with recent stories of important Woodland Police courageous service incidents. Inspired by the Eagle Scout with us last week, Derrek asked for stories of Eagle Scout activities by our own members; and Reggie PowellTim Pettit & Dick Hoppin obliged. Jim Nolan, who paid for his August 4th wedding anniversary with wife Barbara, was happy about a fishing trip he recently took to Alaska (or was it Hawaii??) and provided this photo from the trip showing sunrise in Alaska's Kenai Fjords National Park. Shawn Seyk was extremely proud of his girls soccer club who competed in the California Fall Rush Cup in Morgan Hill earlier this month and went undefeated (without giving up a goal) in winning the championship against teams ranked much higher. He was particularly proud of how his team was complemented not only on their skills, but on the respect they demonstrated for other players as well. Shawn also got an early warning on his 25th wedding anniversary with wife Brenda coming up on August 21. They were married at the Ryde Hotel in the Sacramento Delta on a sweltering summer day



  Derrick Bang, Film Critic/Reviewer based in Davis, was our guest speaker today, giving us a update on what has been happening in the movie business in recent years and some stories of his work as a reviewer. Thanks to Jim Nolan for arranging for and introducing our speaker today. More about Derrick's work can be viewed at: https://derrickbang.blogspot.com/




August 6th Meeting


 With a good turnout on hand, President Bob Nakken led today's meeting with a moment of silence for the late Don Huff, Jr, who passed away last Sunday. Among our guests were Lori McGrath, who has submitted her application to become a member. Lori was introduced by Membership Chair Yvette Roy. Visiting Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell also joined us. And Jim McGibbon was delighted to introduce his daughter Dr. Margaret Anne Fernandez, a Pediatrician, who is visiting from Chantilly, Virginia along with her family. 



 Christian Sherrill introduced Eli Rogelstad who is a Boy Scout in local Troop 464 who shared a video about his Eagle Scout project to build cubbies which will be installed at the Tuli Mem Aquatics Center in Esparto. Our Club contributed $500 for materials for Eli's project.



 Foundation Chair Tom Schwarzgruber presented President-elect Aniek Pflager with her 2nd Paul Harris pin and President Bob Nakken with his 4th Paul Harris pin, both in recognition of the significant financial contributions they have made to the Rotary Foundation. 



 Christian Sherrill took the lead on today's Recognition, his first time in that role. He highlighted the need to bring younger members into the Club, and asked those members attending today under age 50 to come up front. Angela Lynn, Eric Zane, Lisa Dunham, and Nick Roncoroni, all in their 40s, each told us a little about why they joined Rotary. Each of them were fine free today, as were their sponsors. Christian fined all other members $5. 


Kevin Haarberg paid for his 28th wedding anniversary with wife Lorie back on July 27th (Woodland) and for the 8 day cruise they recently enjoyed going down the Danube River in Europe to celebrate. Don Huff III donated $1,000 to the Berrettoni Scholarship in honor of his late father Don Huff Jr. With the raffle pot at $792 and only 4 cards remaining, Chuck Bruns managed to find a free lunch! Shawn Seyk did a lot of traveling lately with helping his daughter move to Phoenix AZ to start college, and later driving to Modoc County CA to attend a Dorris- Florenoy family reunion. 



 Linda Henigan, Advisor to the new St. John's Village Board of Directors, as well as the Founder of Woodland's Dinner on Main, was our guest speaker today providing us with a look at St. John's Village's initial reopening, fundraising and the current rental of its cottages and apartments. More about St. John's Village can be found at its website: https://www.stjohnsretirementvillage.org/




Rest In Peace - Don Huff, Jr.




 The Club lost its eldest member Sunday, August 4, as Don Huff, Jr. passed away at 98 years of age. Don was a Paul Harris Fellow, and served as Club President in 1980-81, as both his father (1929-30) and son (2012-13) have also done. He was an active and enjoyable Rotarian and will be missed. Our thoughts go to Don Huff III and the entire Huff family. ?




Senior BBQ 2024




July 30th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken welcomed a modest sized crowd to the last meeting of the month.Jayne Williams introduced Ronvic Cuevas, an ALMS student working towards a career in technology. Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp & Byron MacConnell visited us again today. In introducing them Mike Chandler offered each of them a membership application form. President Bob shared a letter for the Club & membership from the WCC Foster & Kinship Foundation Director Cherie Schroeder, thanking us for supporting them. 




Gary Wegener reported the Rotary Beer Booth at the Yolo County Fair will start on Wednesday, August 14thGary says the Club has filled its mandatory slots this year. See the Club schedule below. Aniek Pflager reminds us of the Club’s Senior BBQ will be held Tuesday, September 24, at Rotary Park in the Yolo Fairgrounds. There will be no regular meeting that day so every Club member will be asked to participate. Aniek is planning on 200 people attending this year. She is looking for a Club member to help her get the word out to interested seniors. Aniek will be getting assignment signup lists out soon.




 Back by popular demand, Chuck Maltese took the lead on today’s Recognition, his second week in a row. Angela Lynn was happy about traveling to the small village of Libertad, Peru a few weeks ago on a church mission to sponsor a new water well there, which she has just been informed, is now bringing that community its first fresh water after 100 years of the village’s existence. Chuck fined Tim Pettit, whose brother Hugh once worked for the Secret Service, due to the Service's recent problem in protecting people. Later, Tim also got fined for his phone ringing during the program. Derrek Kaff was happy about taking a vacation with the family to Carpinteria State Beach (near Santa Barbara) recently. They had a great time and even one of their nieces got engaged.


 David Pinto is happy he and wife Rebecca have planned a trip to visit Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas for three nights over the Labor Day weekend, part of their goal to hike in all National Parks in the United States. Don Huff III was happy an evolving Spring remodeling effort to the kitchen and bathrooms at the family’s Tahoe home was finally (almost) completed. He was also happy his father, Don Huff Jr., had to spend 3 days at a Reno hospital, but is now back on his feet. Gary Bunch, informed it was National Cheesecake Day, was happy wife Kathy has returned home after four weeks away. Gary was especially pleased he got the improvements to their kitchen ‘spotless’ for her arrival, and said it was ‘good to have her back’.




 Our guest speaker today was Sia Magadan, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, United Way California Capital Region (UWCCR)Originally from Washington DC, Sia came to California 9 years ago and joined UWCCR a year ago. She helps UWCCR leverage resources and execute collaborations with numerous partners (corporations, schools, community alliances and non-profit organizations) in Building Stronger, Healthier and More Compassionate Communities. UWCCR currently operates in five counties in the region – Amador, El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento and Yolo, and is looking to expand. Last year UWCCR celebrated its 100th year of United Way service. 


 Sia said UWCCR has three areas of service: Helping Kids Excel in SchoolsInvesting in Families and Strengthening Schools. Helping Kids Excel in Schools is a focus for UWCCR activities in Yolo County, including Woodland,  with programs like  KinderCamp, Literacy Tutoring, and the Imagination Library. As many as 50% of 3 and 4 year olds in Yolo County do not have access to pre school. KinderCamp gives local kids the opportunity to learn basics that will help them as they enroll in kindergarten. Literacy Tutoring helps students primarily in younger grade levels to improve their reading skills. If students do not have adequate reading skills by the third grade their performance in school begins to suffer significantly. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program provides free books delivered every month to registered Yolo County children until they reach age 5. More about United Way California Capital Region can be found on its website: https://www.yourlocalunitedway.org/ Thanks to Mark Ullrich, a UWCCR Board member, for arranging for and introducing our speaker today. 





July 23rd Meeting


 Scholarship Chair Shawn Seyk introduced Amhirani 'Ama' Urozco-Ruiz and her parents today. As this year's valedictorian of Pioneer High School with a 4.47GPA, Ama will receive a $6,000 scholarship from Woodland Rotary ($1500 per year over four years). Ama plans to attend UC Berkeley as a pre-law student in the Fall with hopes of becoming a prosecutor.



President Bob Nakken, along with Grants and Service Committee member Yvette Roy, presented checks today to representatives of Make It Happen in Yolo County and the Woodland Community College Foster & Kinship Education Program based on proceeds received at Woodland Rotary's 2024 Dinner Auction last April. Make It Happen (top photo), represented by Executive Director Cathi Schmidt (left) and Board Member Yvonne Emmons, received $5,000 for their work helping Yolo County youth ages 18-24 as they transition from foster care to independent living. More information about Make It Happen is available at https://www.mihyolo.org/  The WCC Foster & Kinship Education Program, represented by Program Coordinator Cherie Schroeder (left), Russetta Walker (right) and Holly, student, received $10,000, for its work helping families and children manage the challenges faced by foster, kinship and adoptive families. More information about the WCC Foster & Kinship Education Program is available at https://yolofostercare.com/ . President Bob went on say Woodland Rotary's contribution to the Yolo County Fair Heritage Foundation in support of completing the FFA/$-H livestock auction arena bleachers and other infrastructure (our main recipient), is still pending due to ongoing efforts to secure a Rotary District 5160 grant for the project. 


 View related July 28th article in Daily Democrat.




 Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Byron MacConnell and Don Sharp joined us again today. Byron announced Woodland Sunrise's raffle of a 'restored and enhanced' 1970 Chevy C10 Truck as a fundraiser for the Woodland Soccer Club's soccer fields project at the Woodland Sports Park. More information about the raffle is available here.  Gary Bunch announced to interested golfers Spero Medical is having a benefit golf tournament September 9th at Yocha DeHe Golf Club. The QR code on the card can provide more information. 



 Chuck Maltese handled today's Recognition with questions about the best and worst neighbors you've had. Eric Zane was fined for growing his back his mustache. Jim McGibbon fessed up to having his 84th birthday (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) back on June 24. With the pot at $718 and 6 cards left, Blair Voelz found himself a free lunch. Dan Stroski turned 68 years old today (San Pablo CA) and was serenaded with 'Happy Birthday'! Kris Kristensen was happy to take an Alaska Airlines flight from Sacramento to San Diego last week with his 25 year old great nephew Jens Houck serving as the Captain. 



 David Wilkinson, founder and Past President of the Woodland Tree Foundation was our guest speaker today providing us with an in-depth look at the Foundation's history, mission and projects. Thanks to Mark Ullrich for arranging for and introducing this program.More information about the Woodland Tree Foundation can be found at https://woodlandtree.org/




July 16th Meeting


 President Bob Nakken presented Barbara Sonin with her 3rd Paul Harris Fellowship pin in recognition of her significant financial contributions to the Rotary Foundation. Shawn Seyk announced the Woodland Soccer Club is holding its inaugural fundraising concert 'Labor Day of Love' Sunday, September 1st at Velocity Island Park to raise funds for the proposed youth soccer fields at the Woodland Sports Park. For ticket information click on the flyer's QR code. Our guests today included Wendy Casas-Raviotta's daughter Maya RaviottaJayne Williams introduced ALMS student Ronvic Cuevas; Visiting Woodland Sunrise Rotarian Don Sharp; and prospective new member Lori McGrath, introduced by Yvette RoyJayne Williams was in charge of today's Recognition. Our guest speaker today was Apura Behal, the 'Padilla Attorney' in the Yolo County Public Defenders Office and Co-founder of the Unity Bar of Yolo County. Introduced by Programs Chair Wendy Casas, Apura gave us a program on "Immigration".




July 9th Meeting - President Bob

Nakken Takes the Stage!


 President Bob Nakken presided over his first meeting of the 2024-25 Rotary year. This is Bob's second time in the Club's leadership role, having served as Club President in 2009-10. President Bob said he does not have significant changes in mind for Club activities this year, saying we will continue to avoid politics as we continue doing and supporting good works locally. The 2025 Dinner Auction will again be our major fundraiser. Efforts will soon be underway to find one or more worthy beneficiaries from that event. The Club also plans to hold our 2024 Senior BBQ at Rotary Park on Tuesday, September 24. Bob reported the new Club Board of Directors met for the first time last night (July 8). Bob said it appears possible Ludy's may take over the catering service lease at the Hotel Woodland when Cracciolos departs in August. This may allow us to continue meeting at the Hotel with minimal changes in service and cost. President Bob said the Board is also engaged in finding replacements for Directors Mike Russell who left the Club last month, and Derrek Kaff who plans to take a leave of absense after he retires from the City in October '24. Bob also encouraged members with ideas for the Club to talk with him. 



Steve Venables and Dan Stroski led us in Rotary Grace today. Could this be a picture of their early days???


 Woodland Sunrise Rotarians Don Sharp and Byron MacConnell joined us again today. Kris Kristensen introduced guest Lori McGrath, a Woodland resident and law enforcement retiree who recently approached the Club about possible membership. 


 Lots of wedding anniversaries today! Yvette Roy and husband Craig celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary on June 28 (Woodland). Ernie and Kay Hodges celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary on June 27 (Springfield VA). Eric Sharp 'rang the bell' for his 47th wedding anniversary with wife Tia on May 28th (Woodland). Eric remembers it was 98 degrees on their wedding and most of the guys ended up in the swimming pool (Tabb Randolph said he was there!). This year Eric & Tia spent their anniversary in Mexico. Dan Stroski got an early warning on his 48th wedding anniversary with wife Ginny on July 18th (Fort Walton Beach FL); sentenced to 'Life without the possibility of parole' says Dan.  Roger Kohlmeier got the early warning on his  59th wedding anniversary on July 10 (Belmont CA) with wife JudyCarl and June Rodegerdts celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary on July 1 (Woodland). Tony & Margie Delevati will celebrate their 43rd wedding anniversary on July 18 (Woodland).


 Blair Voelz took charge of Recognition today, his first time. Blair asked for happy time comments followed by a variety of questions on the weather and agriculture. Immediate Past President Karl Diekman again thanked the Club for its support in the past year, but he was especially happy to be back sitting in the 'cheap seats' again. Asked by Blair about the meaning of the term 'virga', Jim Nolan knew it referred to rain that did not actually hit the ground. President Bob was happy about a trip he and wife Gaye took to Wyoming to visit family in June. Tabb Randolph was happy about traveling to Pinehurst NC last month to attend the US Open Golf Championships, followed by a trip to Portugal. 



President Bob Nakken gave us a presentation on the 2024 Rotary International Convention which he and his wife Gaye attended in May on behalf of the Club. Karl Diekman also attended. Singapore is an island country and city-state in Southeast Asia at the southern end of the Malay Peninsula. President Bob spoke about some of the people he met there and some of the sights they saw. He also talked about new Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick (the second female in that role) and her theme for the year, 'The Magic of Rotary'.